Unique Events in a COVID World | Drive By Coffees
When COVID shut down the world, we, like everyone came to a screeching halt.
The Latte Mobile and the espresso machines got cleaned and rested for longer than they’ve ever rested before. The Northplace Coffee Shop in Northplace Church closed with the rest of the church.
We rested. We watched. We waited.
This new experience isn’t news now, everybody has been impacted in one way or another. But I LOVE the creative ways people have risen with ideas to still connect in a distance setting.
Our First COVID Coffee Event was for Essential Workers
(This was before the mask mandates or protocol put into place.)
Our first event after COVID hit was a new corporate client with essential workers. As you can see Fisher Investments is a Best Place to work company…treating their hard working Advisors and team to Lattes on a regular basis is evidence. So is the poster behind the espresso bar.
It’s easy to keep 6 feet between us and our client’s guests or employees with our set up. A lot of our corporate clients are working from home now, but we look forward to being back in the offices when they need us.
Coffee Bars Outside at Apartment Communities
The next thing we started doing a lot of was connecting with and serving at several different apartment communities. It was beautiful spring weather then and we drew people out of their apartments for lattes, hot chocolates, and puppaccinos!
Drive By Coffees at Schools
We did some drive by coffees at some Primrose Schools before Mother’s Day! These creative directors made ways to treat the mom’s in front of the school and in the parking lot.
Drive Through Cold Drinks for Systemware’s Family Day Project
One of the more recent events that was one of the most creative, was another kind of a drive by event. This time the Corporate client, Systemware implemented the professional help of a planner: Planning MODE, who brought us in on a drive through Family Day project. The employees have been working from home, but there still needs to be Family Day, right?
Planning MODE created boxes for each employee to pick up with different activities for them to do, and consume. We provided iced coffee, lemonade, and other cold drinks as they drove up.
I hope more of our corporate clients do this! These boxes of fun were like the subscription boxes everyone gets so excited about.
As challenging as these days were, these businesses recreated their normal ways of appreciating their clients and guests and we were so happy to help in the creation of the memories. And the delight of the taste buds.
So I hope you’ve been inspired to continue being creative with whatever you can do.
Show your people you appreciate them.
And when possible, use coffee.
And when possible, use coffee.