Don’t Hate the Christmas Aisle in August!

When I walk into Hobby Lobby in the August heat and see Fall Colors…I am excited! I pretend that it’s cool outside and mentally check my inventory of sweaters for fall. I admit it’s a little escapism, but when you live through Texas summers it’s ok to let the A/C cool your thoughts and body – and go ahead and get a fall scented candle while you are at it!

A Reminder for the Holiday Season

So this year, when you stroll around your favorite store in August or September and see Christmas stuff…don’t cringe. Let it be a not-so-subtle reminder that you need to hire your event professionals for the holidays now! I promise if you wait until November (when your house is cleaned and ready to decorate) there will be some of your favorite vendors that you would love to be at your party that will be fully booked, and have to send you that email from the regrets template.

Only Two Saturdays in December Before Christmas!

Also in 2021, with Christmas on a Saturday, there are really ONLY TWO Saturdays left in December for parties before Christmas!

Book Your Holiday Event Caterer Now!

Contact Us now to get an Espresso Bar or Deluxe Hot Chocolate Bar scheduled for your Holiday Event!

It’s Your Wedding, Dear | Customized Coffee Bar

Espresso Yourself at your Wedding with Customized Coffee Bar Offerings

We love weddings!

We love the distinctiveness of each wedding and their similarities. The celebration of a life journey that starts with a party with family and friends. A vow, a dance, a toast, a meal…cake and coffee.

When we talk to couples about their selections for Specialty Beverages at their reception, or rehearsal dinner…or after wedding brunch…we like to design another unique element for them to enjoy with their guests.

One way is with customized designs for their cups, just a little detail, inexpensive and fun.

Customize Your Coffee Bar Beverages

Another way to customize your wedding for guests is with signature drinks and customized menus.

Shea & Tyler’s wedding (#finallyPooledtogether), had our Italian Cream Soda & Cold Brew Coffee bar. Tyler’s favorite drink was the Strawberry Cheesecake Soda and Shea featured a Cold Brew Coffee with caramel and almond milk.

Their favorites were by far the most selected drinks of the evening!

Espresso Bar at the Nasher Sculpture Center

One of my favorite weddings so far this year was Samantha and John Bush’s at the beautiful Nasher Sculpture Center. It was the most perfect weather for sipping lattes from our Espresso Bar and dancing to a live band under the stars and Dallas Skyline.

Personal Taste Testing for Menu Creation

Are you wondering what kind of flavor pairings we offer that you would love to add to your customized menu? We do personal tastings; for the bride and groom, the bride’s parents, for whoever you wish to help taste the best coffee combos ever (max of 4!) We explore flavor combinations, test taste espresso, and more.

Here are just a few drinks that have been concocted in our brainstorming taste testings:

  • The Modern English Toffee Latte
  • Coffee Kindred Spirits Pumpkin Pie Latte (bride & groom named!)
  • Snickerdoodle
  • Purple Zebra
  • Lavender Chai
  • Lavender Mocha
  • Strawberry Cheesecake Italian Soda (Tyler’s fav!)

This coffee connection starts in our hipster home office (ha!) and continues through to the special day.

Whether a micro wedding or full-blown soiree, you need a custom latte! Your guests will so enjoy connecting with you by ordering your favorite!


Home Brew Methods for Coffee; There’s One For Everyone

Home Brew Methods for Coffee

This is our coffee bar at home.

I had a fun post last year when the world shut down on @thelattelady on Instagram. It started with the photo above and the question; how many brew methods do you spot in this picture?

It doesn’t usually display ALL the brew methods we own. But I thought it would be fun to explore them, especially since on April 16th, 2020, when I posted this, coffee shops were shut down.

But the world still needed coffee! With no access to coffee cups, that means making your own …

So how do you know the right home brew method for you? Did you even realize the variety of choices you have?

What Might Impact Your Home Brew Method of Choice?

Taste/Quality Preference​

I have become very particular with the way my coffee tastes. I drink my drip coffee black, so it has to be good. That has a lot to do with the bean.

But the brew method of that bean impacts the overall flavor and body of the drink as well. Personally, I prefer filtered, single-origin coffee on a typical day. Occasionally, I like a hot french press (non-filtered) cup of coffee.


You will notice there is no pod brewer in my collection. I just can’t get the depth of flavor I love in my coffee in a brew that comes out in 60 seconds (except with an Aeropress). But multitudes choose the Keurig for its convenience. It wins over quality because…it’s convenient! No judgment here. Convenience plays into my routine as well.

My Daily Brew Method of Choice?

This Behmor. This precious, programmable drip-coffee machine is my daily routine.

I have an older model, but Behmor now has a SMART option … you can literally ask Alexa to start your coffee. Will this be my next step toward automation? Maybe!!

Every night I grind my coffee and schedule it to start 5 minutes before we emerge for the day.

I look forward to waking up to freshly brewed, hot aromatic coffee every day.

My convenient homebrew method of choice is the Behmor.
My convenient homebrew method of choice is the Behmor.

What Are Other Convenient Brew Methods?

The Aeropress

The Aeropress is quick, but you have to concentrate on the timing. Not a lot. It makes one to three cups at a time. For a short brew guide check out Eiland Coffee and get the scoop from Zach. It’s simple once you get the hang of it, and easier to clean than a french press.

The French Press

The French Press takes longer but has less involvement. You can also make more coffee, depending on the size of the press you have. One advantage is that you can turn on your kettle, grind your coffee, and put on your makeup (or whatever….) while it steeps. This is a non-filtered method, meaning your coffee doesn’t go through more than a mesh screen, so you are going to taste and feel some of the oils that are naturally in the brew. It’s not unpleasant, some people prefer that depth of texture and flavor. Watch my French Press tutorial for details.

The Clever

Obviously, from the picture, you can see that I could use an update. Coffee stains, people. This Clever dripper has been around for a while. This is another immersion method but combines easy to clean with very little managing. Set it and forget it….until the timer goes off! Measure your coffee, grind it, put it in the rinsed filter with the clever, and set the timer. When it’s ready, put it in your cup. The Clever is especially good when you need one cup to go, and you don’t have a bunch of time. You don’t need a Keurig when you have a Clever with freshly ground coffee!

Other Important Factors for the Perfect Coffee Brew

Get yourself a Burr grinder like the Baratza Encore (avoid blades, they grind inconsistently), if you don’t have one yet. Whatever home brew method you use, nothing will improve it more than grinding fresh, locally roasted beans shortly before you brew!

I recommend buying local coffee! Dallas, where I am, has many very excellent coffee roasters. We use Eiland Coffee Roasters primarily but other favorites in DFW are Cultivar Coffee Bar & Roaster, Oak Cliff Coffee Roasters, and Book Club Coffee. Explore and support local roasters; your community appreciates it and your coffee mug will too.

Once you get the grinder and a scale for measuring, experiement with the brewing system that works best for your budget, your convenience, and your taste!

Discover What Home Brew Method Works Best for You

I haven’t gone through all the brewing methods, mostly the convenient ones! I think the Siphon is one of the best ways to bring out notes and flavors in your coffee that you don’t get on a straight-up immersion or drip method.

But it’s like a science experiment: fun, a little messy, and not something I would want to do before I’ve even had coffee to drink. Kind of a fun, Saturday afternoon experience! I haven’t created a brewing tutorial for this yet, but here’s a great one from Blue Bottle Coffee: Siphon Preparation Guide. Another classic coffee provider with seasonal blends, though not a local coffee roaster.

I Would Love to Hear from You!

  • How do you brew your coffee at home?
  • Is there anything I can help you with?
I hope you are staying well and caffeinated. Follow me on Instagram and Twitter @thelattelady to see future videos and tutorials.


Coffee Bar Catering: How to Hire the Right Service

How to Hire the Right Coffee Bar Caterer

Are you looking for a mobile coffee bar to cater to an event but don’t know how to go about doing it? Or even the right questions to ask to make sure the company is qualified? Our catering business works much the same as any food catering does, except that our focus is on coffee specialty drinks. Here are some questions to ask your potential coffee bar caterer before hiring!

Collaborate & Plan with Your Coffee Caterer

You’re having a wedding and you imagine it like this:

The coffee experience at your wedding is part of the reception. Your guests get to know each other while connecting with you and your fiance’s love for coffee by trying your favorite signature drink created for them by the baristas.

So then it’s a matter of finding the right espresso caterer, a mobile coffee company that has trained their baristas to treat the espresso as the most important element of the evening while serving it in the friendliest, and most professional way.

Questions to Ask a Caterer

  • How long have you been in business? How many events have you done?
  • What size of group are you able to serve?
  • Who roasts your coffee? Is it locally roasted and ethically sourced?
  • What kind of espresso do you use? What origins/blends do you have to choose from for brewed coffee?
  • Do you grind the coffee on-site and pull espresso shots or do you use a pod?
  • Can you provide alternative kinds of milk and can the menu be personalized?
  • Can you customize the cups or offer other customized options?
  • Do you bring a cart/table to set up on or does the venue need to provide? Can you set up on the venue’s bar/counter/table?
  • How long can/will you serve?
  • How much will it cost for my guest count?

Catering for Corporate Events

A coffee bar can be used for appreciating the team, as morale boosters, and a general reward of caffeinated goodness.

A lot of the same questions listed above apply, with branding in the customization options. Maybe the caterer you’re talking to doesn’t provide the option to brand the cups and menus, but that’s not a deal-breaker for you.

Finding a Coffee Bar Caterer for Corporate Events
Finding a Coffee Bar Caterer for Corporate Events

What Does Your Company Event Really Need?

  • Do they have a certificate of insurance?
  • Can they set up in your conference room or break room?
  • Do they have reviews or references?
  • Do you have a point of contact who will communicate quickly, schedule, and show up on time?

Smaller Event Coffee Catering

Your event might be smaller! Perhaps a baby shower with thirty people? Or a small office that just reached that important goal and needs to be celebrated? Will a coffee shop atmosphere take the theme of your event to the top level of perfection?

Have a barista come and spoil your people too!

This may start with your budget. There’s nothing wrong with contacting the company and finding out what their minimum group size and cost is. Also ask if they have the ability to set up in the house, office, or church where you are having your shindig.

Small events are ideal for an espresso caterer because the personal service and time for attention to each guest is where a barista can really excel with their knowledge and skills. Baristas are coffee nerds that love to talk all things coffee and discover what drink would be perfect for your guest. If your guests aren’t already hooked on one particular drink, maybe they might want to try something new!

Day. Made.

What if the Event is Too Big for Me to Buy Drinks for Everybody?

Not every event is ideal for espresso catering, and the term mobile coffee means a literal mobile truck. As with a food truck, the attendees of your event are going to be buying their own drinks. Vendors like this are available in most large cities, just like caterers, and they serve their events well with their own parameters.

Questions to Ask

  • Do you require a specific group size or a minimum purchase guarantee? If so, what is it?
  • What are we responsible for if sales aren’t covered?
  • Do you have all the licenses and insurance that my event expects and/or requires?
  • What events like this have you served before?
  • Our event is for non-profit, do you offer any deals?

Lattes On Location | Coffee Bar Catering Service

I hope this information is helpful for you in planning your event. As espresso caterers, we have been loving what we do – bringing coffee and connection to all kinds of events in the Dallas/Ft Worth, TX area – for over 18 years!

In fact, we love this so much that we help other people do this in other cities across the U.S. Maybe this is something you, an entrepreneur and coffee lover, would like to know more about. Have you always wanted to own a coffee shop? Yes? Check out our Franchise Opportunity!

Feel free to ask us questions about Espresso Catering and ideas for your party, office, school, or conference (someday again, hopefully.)

Unique Drive By Coffee Events in a COVID World

Lattes on Location | More Unique Events in a COVID World

When COVID shut down the world, we, like everyone came to a screeching halt.

The Latte Mobile and the espresso machines got cleaned and rested for longer than they’ve ever rested before. The Northplace Coffee Shop in Northplace Church closed with the rest of the church.

We rested. We watched. We waited.

This new experience isn’t news now, everybody has been impacted in one way or another. But I LOVE the creative ways people have risen with ideas to still connect in a distance setting.

Our First COVID Coffee Event was for Essential Workers

Lattes on Location | More Unique Events in a COVID World

(This was before the mask mandates or protocol put into place.)

Our first event after COVID hit was a new corporate client with essential workers. As you can see Fisher Investments is a Best Place to work company…treating their hard working Advisors and team to Lattes on a regular basis is evidence. So is the poster behind the espresso bar.

It’s easy to keep 6 feet between us and our client’s guests or employees with our set up. A lot of our corporate clients are working from home now, but we look forward to being back in the offices when they need us.

Coffee Bars Outside at Apartment Communities

The next thing we started doing a lot of was connecting with and serving at several different apartment communities. It was beautiful spring weather then and we drew people out of their apartments for lattes, hot chocolates, and puppaccinos!

Drive By Coffees at Schools

We did some drive by coffees at some Primrose Schools before Mother’s Day! These creative directors made ways to treat the mom’s in front of the school and in the parking lot.

Drive Through Cold Drinks for Systemware’s Family Day Project

One of the more recent events that was one of the most creative, was another kind of a drive by event. This time the Corporate client, Systemware  implemented the professional help of a planner: Planning MODE, who brought us in on a drive through Family Day project. The employees have been working from home, but there still needs to be Family Day, right?

Planning MODE created boxes for each employee to pick up with different activities for them to do, and consume. We provided iced coffee, lemonade, and other cold drinks as they drove up.

I hope more of our corporate clients do this! These boxes of fun were like the subscription boxes everyone gets so excited about.

As challenging as these days were, these businesses recreated their normal ways of  appreciating their clients and guests and we were so happy to help in the creation of the memories. And the delight of the taste buds.

So I hope you’ve been inspired to continue being creative with whatever you can do.

Show your people you appreciate them. 
And when possible, use coffee.

Surviving COVID-19 with a Mobile Coffee Bar Business

Surviving COVID-19 | Lattes on Location

I know everybody is saying how much this year sucks.

I’m reluctant to label it that way, because, although it has a lot of downsides (with lower lows than can be measured) there are so many bright sides to it!

We have definitely been one of those businesses that were impacted by the quarantine. Being an events-based business that also runs a coffee shop in a church – as you can imagine, much of our regular income went on hiatus.

We had 31 events in January and 30 events in February, not counting the coffee shop business in Northplace Church. In March and April, we had three events each. May started to pick up (ten espresso bars) with some outdoor pop-up shop style connection events. Two were with Primrose Schools, three were with Apartment Life teams, and a couple of corporate comebacks, as well as a couple of hospitals.

Those outdoor events were lovely, the best time of year for social distancing under the cool Texas sky. Perfect temps will happen again in, I don’t know, October?

Overcoming the Challenge of Serving in the Texas Heat

Lattes on Location | Serving Outside
Being outside serving in the heat can cause “technical” difficulties when you are making espresso. Humidity will change the consistency of the beans coming through the grinder and the way the espresso is pulled from the espresso machine. It makes the calibration process (adjusting the grind and the tamping of the ground beans) an ongoing process during an event. We do this to make sure the coffee consistently tastes its best.

Making Coffee out of Beans (Not Lemons!)

But the change in schedule also brought a new shift to Lattes On Location’s social presence, by allowing me the opportunity to start a regular Latte Lady Live event on Facebook and IGTV. I go live on Fridays at 10 a.m!

Join us for one of our REGULAR live events on social media!


  • They are short! 15 minutes or less!
  • We are showing different ways to brew good coffee at home.
  • Hear about coffee trends and what I think of them.
  • We feature a different Texas Roaster once a month, teaming up with Texas Coffee Club! (Awesome coffee subscription service)
  • Giveaways once a month (who doesn’t love a good giveaway?)
  • Coffee shop reviews live once a month.
  • Occasional guests, just last month DJ Chris spun tunes while I did latte art.

What would you like to see? Do you have coffee questions I can help you with? DFW Coffee shops I should review and promote? Leave us a comment here or reach out on Facebook or Instagram.

Guess what we are up to this month? Graduation parties every weekend!

How Lattes on Location Became a Franchise Opportunity

How Lattes on Location Became a Franchise Opportunity
It’s January of 2018. Paul and I found out there was a Franchise Expo in downtown Dallas and we decided to go check it out. What could that hurt? It was a field trip, one of those “Fun Friday” kinds of trips downtown. We weren’t looking for a new business, a life change, or an investment. We viewed this as a discovery, talking to franchisors and franchisees and asking them firsthand about their experience. The questions were in our mind: “Is franchising a good option for Lattes on Location? How do we grow? Should we do something else?”

Life Change It Is

We met Tom DuFore from the Big Sky Franchise Team.

This began a (long) process of creating a franchise product from our business. The experienced team at Big Sky took us through the process of franchising step by step. It’s a long process with a lot of details! Replicating a business is all about understanding the brand and staying true to it. We can tell you more details about our operations manual, trademarking, our incredible dedicated team, and the hours of analysis to choose the right locations! That’s all part of franchising a small business, and we are so glad for our partners at Big Sky and all their help.

Why did we choose to franchise? Well, we love what we do so much. Every single day we have clients or their guests tell us what a brilliant idea this espresso/coffee catering is. How much fun would it be to duplicate it and share the joy, the coffee, the relationships? We want to share the whole business to people who would benefit the same way we have over the last sixteen+ years!

How Lattes on Location Became a Franchise Opportunity

Where will Lattes on Location be Next?

After working with Big Sky for 18 months we had the platform in place to try our first target city: Houston, TX. So we headed down to Houston on October third with a booth for the Houston Franchise Expo. We got to visit with hundreds of people and shared what we do!

Check out these pictures of our booth and our sightseeing in Houston. Gracie, Paul and I had a blast, serving small samples and connecting over coffee, just like we do on a daily basis for our clients.

Want to come visit with us about franchises? Our next trade show is scheduled for Nashville, TN in March 2020. But if you are in an urban area that you would like to investigate this proven business model for, let us know!

Email us at for more information.

Lattes on Location on College, Spas, and Coworking

Lattes on Location | August Events

What kind of a blog title is that, you may ask? It’s just a normal month at Lattes on Location! One of the best parts of our business is the variety of events and venues that we have the opportunity to serve in. The people we get to meet (THE BEST) and of course, the coffee. We really have to taste test, it’s a professional responsibility that we take seriously! Quality Control, people!

UNT College of Business

August Events - UNT College of Business
The Lattes team had the opportunity to serve one of our menu combination bars for the UNT College of Business faculty. We offered the Espresso Bar with Italian Cream Sodas and Cold Brew Coffee selections! Inspiration for change comes from many different sources. We actually brought some extra decor for this event (one of the perks!) because it coordinated with their event invitations. We just happen to have an old coffee grinder similar to the one they had on their poster, so we brought it along. We were also inspired recently when watching The Profit on television Marcus Lemonis worked with a catering company and had them take their presentation up a notch by adding decorative items that fit with the client’s field…so we brought business books and our Edison lightbulb, made into a sign! Inspiration can strike just about anywhere, right? It was great to have our newly graduated DBU alumnus, Gracie, and our current UNT student Victor, as baristas on hand at this event.

The Capital Factory

August Events - Capital Factory
That bright idea lightbulb decor also fit in well at the Capital Factory event where we served from our espresso bar in their beautiful coworking space. We met some brilliant (and beautiful) people. I love the atmosphere of collaboration at the Capital Factory and the Dallas Entrepreneur Center. It is so cool watching these individuals drive innovation and see their ideas for business get off the ground. I look forward to returning! If you’re looking for a coworking space be sure to check out their Dallas CoWorking room!

Surface Skin Spa

August Events - Surface Skin Spa
We also had the opportunity to visit Surface Skin Spa for a client appreciation, promotion, and marketing party. This was such a great setup, complete with cupcakes and glitter! We simply provided the connection over coffee and initiated some welcoming smiles.

Fall is Coming...

Fall means only one thing in the latte world…you guessed it! Pumpkin flavoring EVERYWHERE! Pumpkin PIE lattes will be available starting…now…upon request at events and at Northplace Coffee Bar on the weekends! I look forward to taste testing this one too – hey, quality control! Be sure to schedule Lattes on Location for your event this fall and ask us to serve this beloved favorite.

Latte Catering for Small Office Events

Lattes on Demand at Small Office Events

Lattes on Demand for Small Office Events

Small Office Events - ESRP Team

Lattes for the ESRP Team

Lattes for the ESRP team at The Star in Frisco is always fun! We love the view of the Cowboys practice field. And to be honest, after we transform the break room into a coffee shop atmosphere, we feel like it was built just for us!

Small Office Events - Armor Espresso Bar

Armor Security Espresso Bar

During our Espresso Bar setup, the security folks at Armor patiently hover in anticipation of creamy, freshly brewed espresso.
Small Office Events - Yeah, Baby

Espresso? Yeah, Baby

Talk about a niche market. Progyny connects with employees by bringing in Lattes on Location to serve up creamy, flavored espresso. The 14th story view is even more enjoyable with a Cortado in one hand and a luscious mini pastry in the other!
Small Office Events - Lattes on Location
Small Office Events - Nissan

Nissan Hot Chocolate Bar

This was our largest Hot Chocolate Bar event in December! We morphed into the space provided for us by Nissan’s Corporate office in Irving then crafted and served over 800 hot chocolate beverages for Nissan’s employees.
Small Office Events - KidKraft Toys

KidKraft Toys Spooky Lattes

Nothing pairs better with one of our lattes than a cream filled, pumpkin iced  Halloween donut at KidKraft Headquarters!
Small Office Events - TripActions Regulars

Just the Usual at TripActions

Lattes On Location can be found at TripActions in Dallas twice a week serving up their usual hand crafted lattes & signature drinks. We love regularly making TripActions employees feel appreciated and caffeinated! They are so alert and productive.
Small Office Events - Smocked Auctions

A Cosy Smocked Auctions Break

We don’t mind squeezing in to Smocked Auctions’ cozy break room and exuding coffee shop aromas for this office event. We have setup in smaller spaces before; try a filing cabinet!

We love to help create fun, festive office events!

Whether you are in charge of bringing the office together for the monthly birthday event, or welcoming the new CEO to town, Lattes On Location can help. Choose from our mobile espresso bar, hot chocolate bar, smoothie bar, or create the perfect combination to spread coffee happiness around your company. Contact us for a quote today for your office event.

Coffee Catering for Corporate Events in DFW

Coffee Catering for Corporate Events in DFW
Do you want to show your employees that you care? Are you having a client in for a meeting where you need to put your best foot forward? Lattes on Location is proud to be the coffee catering company of choice for many well-known businesses and corporations throughout the Dallas-Fort Worth metro area.
Coffee Catering for Corporate Events - Hot Chocolate Bar

Employee Appreciation

We have several offices that utilize our coffee catering services once or twice a year. We tend to be busy around the holidays in December, as well as in the spring when holidays like Administration Professionals Day and others take place. As an example, we served a Hot Chocolate Bar at One Allen Center where Accesso Partners Property Management treated all the tenants! We set up in the building’s lobby and gave everyone the opportunity to jazz up their hot chocolate with gourmet handmade marshmallows from Sweet Bris Bakery! We also served Lattes from our Espresso Bar menu in December at their 2424 Cole Street property in Dallas.

Do you have employees that went above and beyond this quarter? Celebrate them with a delicious treat! Cisco has used as a reward for their employees when they have a productive quarter. They were the first corporate client who signed up for a regular latte event with us! (Yes, we can do that too. Book us for a standing date every week, month, quarter, or year!) Also as a reward we have served Kidkraft, TrendMicro. Peloton and Benchmark Mortgage.

Coffee Catering for Corporate Events - Connecting with Employees

Connecting Over a Cup of Coffee

What about just connecting with your employees? Particularly in the medical field, it can be difficult to have conversation with all your team members. One of our favorites is Baylor Scott and White Hospital in Plano! They have our team out for a “Lattes with the President” event on a quarterly basis. Down in the lower level of the hospital we set up our mobile latte bar in the education center.

Once a quarter both day and night shift get face-to-face time with the president of the hospital. There’s nothing like the relaxing scent of your favorite drink to inspire a good talk. The president has the opportunity to ask team members how they are doing and if they need anything. What a great way to maintain rapport with employees!

Coffee Catering for Corporate Events - Reoccurring Catering

Need Coffee Catering More Often?

We are having a blast with a corporate client who has us in their office 2-3 times per week. Hooray for TripActions! Every Monday and Tuesday we make our way to the 21st floor and become the source of fuel for these creative people in the corporate travel industry. Hmm, maybe a trip to Hawaii is what we need for OUR corporation!

How can we help you celebrate your employees or team members?

Is there a holiday coming up? Have you connected with your team lately? Choose from our mobile espresso bar, hot chocolate bar, smoothie bar, or create the perfect combination to spread a little happiness around your company. Contact us for a quote today for your corporate event.