I am Infatuated with Coffee Shops!
Who isn’t? Even if you don’t like coffee, the whole atmosphere created in a coffee shop transcends the taste buds and shoots for the heart.
We love to connect, to taste, smell, and savor the experience. Recently we took a short vacation to Chicago, to see family, and to see Hamilton.
Above is my Papa Bear, Mama Bear, Baby Bear coffee photo from Intelligentsia in Chicago. We were right around the corner from the theater on our way to see Hamilton. (three months later the music is still playing in my head)
I had the one in the middle; usually the perfect fit for me is a cappuccino. Great lineup, yeah?

Coffee Brewing Resource

Another thing I love about Intelligentsia is their website. I use it as a resource for brewing methods. They have a lot of youtube video How-tos.
When you want to try a new one, or you haven’t used a particular method for a while, these are very consistent and good quality.
The Chemex tutorial is one of my go-tos.